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Welcome to API Reads!

Welcome to API Reads!

The API Reads program is a way for you to read books that help you further your connection with your child and family. It is an educational resource but also a great way to discuss with others the parenting books you're already reading or had on your list. Its way more fun to read a book with a community than it is to read alone. Why not enjoy a discussion to see what points in the book really resonated with you, what portions you felt you wanted to get more information on, and what portions you felt were just not going to work in your family so that you can find suggestions on how it could. The API Reads program is a valuable resource to add to your attachment parenting toolkit. Goodreads is the online discussion forum we use for keeping you informed of the latest books that are being read by API and the opportunity to converse with others on the books you are reading.

Before you purchase your book, please click on the title of the book, and then make your purchases through Amazon so that API can earn a 4% commission off of your sell. Happy reading everyone!

July API Reads Update

We are still reading the book titled Parenting Without Power Struggles by Susan Stiffelman. So far we’ve discussed how it is healthy to have children reach the Wall of Futility as you there to help them process this, that when they are frustrated is not the time to teach, finding alternative ways to connect to name just a few.

The July reading schedule will be as follows:

  • June 28-July 4: Chapter 7

  • July 5-11: Chapter 8

  • July 12-18: Chapter 9

June API Reads Update: Parenting Without Power Struggles

We’ve started reading the book titled Parenting Without Power Struggles by Susan Stiffelman. So far we’ve discussed why you want to read this book, “should” thoughts causing power struggles, power struggles being futile when the person is engaged with the other person, the difference between being in charge and being in control, seeing and accepting the child you have, and forgiving our parents.

The June reading schedule will be as follows:

  • May 31 - June 6: Chapter 3

May API Reads update

We’ll be starting a new book this May titled Parenting Without Power Struggles by Susan Stiffelman. This is a great book on how important attachment is with connection to help in your discipline problems. It also touches on subjects such as helping your kids through frustration; handling resistance, anger, whining, meltdowns, and aggression; being present and mindful; and empowering your kids to live their best lives. This is a great book and was voted on by you to read next.


The May reading schedule will be as follows:

API Reads: February

We are now reading Love and Anger, which discusses how feeling angry is okay; acting in anger is not. We are not only discussing parental anger but of coping with the anger children have towards parents, siblings, and peers. You also discuss unique situations of those faced by divorced parents and parents of disabled children. This is a well-rounded book that will help you examine the subject of anger in a new light that you can relate too.

For Love and Anger: The Parental Dilemma, we will be following the below reading schedule in February.

  • Feb 1-7: Intro & Ch 1

  • Feb 8-14: Ch 2

  • Feb 15-21: Ch 3

January Book club update

We will be finishing Siblings Without Rivalry by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish as well as starting Love and Anger: The Parental Dilemma by Nancy Samalin.

For Siblings Without Rivalry, we will be reading chapters 6,7, and the end; we will be finishing this book on January 16th.

For Love and Anger: The Parental Dilemma, we will be following the below reading schedule.

  • Jan 17-23: Intro & Ch 1: The Parental Dilemma

API Reads: Older Child book club interest - Parent Effectiveness Training

We now have an older child book club for those who are interested in reading books that are focused on topics geared to the school-age years and above age-set. For the months of September, October, November, and December of 2014 we will be reading Parent Effectiveness Training by Thomas Gordon. The reading schedule and Amazon book description are below.

API Reads: Younger Child book club interest - Parenting from the Inside Out

For our audience that would like to focus on the younger or general audience book club, you'll enjoy reading Parenting from the Inside Out by Daniel Siegel. The reading schedule for Parenting from the Inside Out by Daniel Siegel is below as well as the book description from Amazon.

API Reads June/July/August: Attached at the Heart - 2nd Edition

Our June/July/August online book discussion will be Attached at the Heart (2nd edition) by Barbara Nicholson and Lysa Parker. To join the discussion, please click here to be taken to the GoodReads website. Our reading timeline will be as follows:

June 1-7: Intro and Chapter 1 (Charting a New Course: Breaking the Ties That Bind)

June 8-14: Chapter 2 (Principle 1: Prepare Yourself for Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting; What Every Parent Needs to Know)

June 15-21: Chapter 3 (Principle 2: Feed with Love and Respect; Beginning the Attachment Process)